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How Will AI Disrupt the Accounting World?

.There are certain incessant questions raised by generative AI. Where will advancements in AI plug existing holes in workflows? And where will it create disruptions

It’s Not Easy Being a Remote Tech Startup

Three very prominent entrepreneurs are out there building interesting products in the space we loosely call remote tech. Others put the ‘future of work’ label

How Safe Should Superintelligence Be? Localogy

How Safe Should Superintelligence Be?

The whole AI boosters vs. doomers safety debate is a bit tired. I mean the robots that will subjugate us haven’t even been built yet.

Oracle to Deep Six Ad Business

This week the software giant Oracle saw its shares rise on news of significant partnerships with Open AI and Google.  This happened despite a mixed

Competitors Love Sticking it to WeWork

Whenever a competitor to WeWork, the erstwhile big dog of co-working, gets a chance to stick the knife into their rival’s ribs, they don’t pass

Is Video AI Next Battleground? Localogy

Is Video AI’s Next Battleground?

AI video is in the news this week. And of course, it’s all Ashton Kutcher’s fault. OK, so I haven’t forgiven him for his abysmal

Is Marketplace Meta’s Hidden Gem?

Something caught my eye this morning in the course of my usual daily browsing of tech related news. It was about that year-round online garage

The Death of the Prompt Engineer

It seems like it was just five minutes ago that everyone was saying that the career advice they would give to their younger selves would

Will Big AI Be Forced to Go Green? Localogy

Will Big AI Be Forced to Go Green?

It wasn’t so long ago that Bitcoin was under heavy fire for using vast amounts of energy to mine a single coin. Today this environmental